
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Grape wine Home Made Easy


 Grapes (black) – 2 kgs

 Sugar – 2 kgs

 Water (boiled and cooled) – 6 liter

 Yeast – 2 1/2 tsp

 Wheat grains – 275 g

 Egg white – from one egg


 Wash the grapes well.

Squeeze or crush the grapes by hand, and add the sugar, water, yeast, wheat  and egg white to it. Store it in a ceramic jar.

 Stir the contents of the jar well, on alternate days only.

 Drain the clear liquid from the top on the twenty second day.

 Then store it again in a ceramic jar for one more week.

 To have  more color  caramelize sugar and add it to the wine.

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